- ECUs
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- Flashing
Installation Manual
Technical info
Updated 18.10.24
Shifters: if Yes
, any Supported Shifter can be used. Otherwise only original shifter can be used.
CT Flash: Supported by CANTCU Flasher.
3rd Party Flash: Support for other flashers such as xHP, TGFlash etc.
Initial Bench Flash: See below
1) An initial full flash is needed to convert the transmission software to suit CANTCU usage. Yanhua Mini ACDP or similar tool for the SH7254xx processor can be used. The TCM can be shipped in to us for this procedure (no extra cost).
2) The transmission needs to be flashed with BMW Tools (WinKFP). A suitable KDCAN-cable is needed.
Initial support v1.0.0
Sensor Requirements
PLEASE NOTE: Transmission software needs to be virginized/unlocked prior to use. Unlocking transmission is done using CANTCU Flasher after installation.
Initial support v1.0.122
Sensor Requirements
PLEASE NOTE: Transmission software needs to be flashed with our custom RACE+ software. Flashing transmission is done using CANTCU Flasher after installation.
Initial support v1.0.126
Sensor Requirements
PLEASE NOTE: Transmission software needs to be virginized/unlocked prior to use. Unlocking transmission is done using CANTCU Flasher after installation.
Initial support v1.0.127
Sensor Requirements
PLEASE NOTE: M3 GTS Transmission software is required, we also supply our own GTS based optimized firmware with higher clutch pressures (torque capability >1000Nm) etc
Initial support v1.0.133
Sensor Requirements
PLEASE NOTE: Transmission software needs to be virginized/unlocked prior to use. Unlocking transmission is done using CANTCU Flasher after installation.
Initial support v1.0.136
Sensor Requirements
PLEASE NOTE: Transmission software needs to be virginized/unlocked prior to use. Unlocking transmission is not currently supported by CANTCU, you need to seek a solution yourself.
Other 8HP transmissions like Jaguar/LandRover/Dodge/BMW E-series can be supported depending on the transmission. Send an inquiry to for more information.